How Bigin has helped Sitoso save time and money

Madhav Kochunni, Creative Head, Digital - Sitoso
  • Industry TypeMarketing and advertising
  • Type of businessIncorporated
  • Previously used softwareSalesforce, Asana

Features that helped us grow

Customizability Mailchimp integration


After working for big corporations for 20 years, Madhav Kochunni, Creative Head at Sitoso, started the company in 2019. Sitoso was built with the primary goal of offering a wide variety of marketing and advertising services. With a large number of clients from Canada and India, Madhav mainly creates websites and handles ecommerce, strategy management, and digital publications like brochures and magazines. Apart from heading his business, he also volunteers with an NGO, helping manage their ecommerce and online bookings website and assisting the backend integration with an accounting system and a POS system.


Being a generalist at Sitoso, Madhav wears many hats. As he landed more and more clients, he found it difficult to manage multiple projects at once—a difficulty which hindered business deeply. There was no all-in-one software that could help him send emails, segment and categorize them into different groups, or manage other deliverables for Sitoso. He looked around for tools that would help streamline his projects, but didn't have any luck until a friend recommended Bigin.


Dealing with multiple clients at a time got trickier as Sitoso grew, but once Madhav started using Bigin, it suddenly got a lot easier. With just one tool, he can now track all of his projects, write and schedule emails, manage deals, and make calls—all from one platform.

Before hopping into Bigin, Madhav had already worked with two other CRMs—highly expensive enterprise level platforms which weren't designed for small businesses. As such, they were ultimately overkill. However, with Bigin, Madhav found the perfect CRM for small businesses. Its UI is minimal and user-friendly, making it comfortable for one-person operations or small teams. Setting it up was also a no-brainer.

"You don't really have to watch a video or attend a course to learn how to use Bigin. It's very intuitive in that way."

Madhav Kochunni,Creative Head, Digital - Sitoso

With a few easy steps, Madhav has access to all his data and client information. His ideal deal starts when he pitches to a client. He enters the client's details, adds the project fees, tracks reminders for tasks and other activities through the Activities module, and stays in constant touch with clients via email through his Mailchimp integration. He also communicates with people from different time zones, along with a partner who manages branding and graphic design in India. With Bigin, managing his business has become less challenging—both working with his partner and all his different clients.

"For a small business, Bigin is an incredible piece of software! "

Madhav Kochunni,Creative Head, Digital - Sitoso

Once Madhav implemented Bigin, he started saving a lot of time. Previously, he used different software for different requirements—like Asana for tasks and Miro for the NGO. But one feature-rich software platform that keeps everything in one place saves him a couple of hours per day, which amounts to a lot of time overall.

"Time is money. Bigin has helped me save time and money in that sense."

Madhav Kochunni,Creative Head, Digital - Sitoso


Couple of hours each day


Increased productivity and operational efficiency.

As a soloprenuer attending to multiple areas of his business, Bigin provided a huge relief for Madhav. With all the features a small business requires rolled into Bigin, Sitoso now has a simpler way to do business, at an affordable price.

"When you work with software that is structured with features that make it so easy to use—that's when you realize you've struck gold and you don't want to go anywhere else. The pricing is also just right and ideal for small businesses."

Madhav Kochunni,Creative Head, Digital - Sitoso

  • Industry TypeMarketing and advertising
  • Type of businessIncorporated
  • Previously used softwareSalesforce, Asana

Features that helped us grow

Customizability Mailchimp integration

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