
Response Structure

    "data": [
            "Owner": { //Name, ID, and email of the owner of the Account
                "name": "Patricia Boyle",
                "id": "4150868000000225013",
                "email": ""
            "$currency_symbol": "DA",  //The currency in which the revenue is generated 
            "Account_Type": "Competitor", //Represents the type of account
            "SIC_Code": null, //The four-digit SIC(Standard Industrial Classification) code for the industry type of the account
            "Last_Activity_Time": "2020-07-27T16:06:44+05:30", //The date and time at which the record was last used in an operation 
            "Industry": "Small/Medium Enterprise", //The name of the industry of the account 
            "Account_Site": "", //The name of the account's location, for example, Headquarters or London.
            "$process_flow": false, //Represents if the record is a blueprint data
            "Exchange_Rate": 3, //Represents of the currency in which the revenue is generated
            "Currency": "DZD", //The symbol of the currency in which the revenue is generated
            "Billing_Country": "Minnehaha", //The billing address of the account to send the quotes, invoices, and other agreements
            "id": "4150868000002782004", //Unique ID of the Account
            "$approved": true, //Represents whether the record is approved
            "$approval": { //Represents if the current user can approve, delegate, reject, or resubmit the operations performed on this record
                "delegate": false,
                "approve": false,
                "reject": false,
                "resubmit": false
            "Billing_Street": "5 Boston Ave #88", //Represents the address details of the account
            "Created_Time": "2020-07-31T21:23:35+05:30", //Date and time at which the record was created. This is a system-generated field. You cannot modify it.
            "$editable": true, //Represents if the user can edit records in the Companies module
            "Billing_Code": "57105", //Represents the address details of the account
            "Shipping_City": "Sioux Falls", //Represents the address details of the account
            "Shipping_Country": "Minnehaha", //Represents the address details of the account
            "Shipping_Code": "57105", //Represents the address details of the account
            "Billing_City": "Sioux Falls", //Represents the address details of the account
            "Created_By": { //Name and ID of the user who created the record. This is a system-generated field. You cannot modify it.
                "name": "Patricia Boyle",
                "id": "4150868000000225013",
                "email": ""
            "Annual_Revenue": 200000, //The annual revenue of the account
            "Shipping_Street": "5 Boston Ave #88", //Represents the address details of the account
            "Ownership": "Private", //Represents the ownership type of the account
            "Description": "This is a sample description.", //Represents the description about the account
            "Rating": "Active", //Represents the rating of the account
            "Shipping_State": "SD", //Represents the address details of the account
            "$review_process": { //Represents the review process details of the account
                "approve": false,
                "reject": false,
                "resubmit": false
            "Website": "", //Represents the website of the account
            "Employees": 100, //Represents the number of employees in the company
            "Record_Image": null, //The profile image of the account
            "Modified_By": { //Name, ID, and email of the user who last modified the account
                "name": "Patricia Boyle",
                "id": "4150868000000225013",
                "email": ""
            "$review": null, //Represents the review process details
            "Phone": "09876543210", //Represents the contact details of the account
            "Account_Name": "Zylker", //Represents the name of the account
            "Account_Number": "123456789012345678", //Represents the bank account details of the account
            "Ticker_Symbol": "sample", 
            "Modified_Time": "2020-07-31T21:23:35+05:30", //Represents the date and time at which the account details were last modified
            "Territories": [ //Represents the list of territories with which the account is associated with
            "$orchestration": false, //Represents if the record is in orchestration process
            "Parent_Account": { //Represents the name and ID of the parent account
                "name": "Dal Tile Corporation",
                "id": "4150868000002492075"
            "$in_merge": false,
            "Contact_Details": [], //Represents the details of contacts associated with the account
            "Billing_State": "SD", //Represents the address details of the account
            "Tag": [], //List of tags associated with the record
            "Fax": "5555-5555", //Fax number of the account
            "$approval_state": "approved" //Fax number of the account


  • The fields beginning with "$" indicate that they do not appear on the Bigin UI, but contain important data. They are read-only fields.
  • For more information about sample attributes, refer Get List of Records.