Update user data

Update the user details in the organization. Multiple users' details can be updated per request.

Request URL

To update multiple users, use


To update a specific user, use


Choose domain-specific URL to replace {api-domain}

You can use the domain-specific URL to access Bigin resources. Based on the data center in which the Bigin account's resources are available, replace {api-domain} in the preceding request with one of the following API domain URLs:

  • For US, https://www.zohoapis.com
  • For EU, https://www.zohoapis.eu
  • For AU, https://www.zohoapis.com.au
  • For IN, https://www.zohoapis.in
  • For CN, https://www.zohoapis.com.cn
  • For JP, https://www.zohoapis.jp

For more information, see Multi DC Support.



For this endpoint, pass the access token as an authorization header. See OAuth Authentication for more information about access tokens.

Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken <ACCESS_TOKEN>

You must authenticate using an access token that is associated with one of the following scopes:

  • ZohoBigin.users.ALL
  • ZohoBigin.users.UPDATE

Request parameters

The available request parameters are given below:

Body parameters

id stringRequired

The unique identification of the user. You can get the user's ID from the Get user data API.


Path parameters

user_id stringOptional

The unique identification of a user. Use this when you want to update a specific user details in the organization. You can get the ID from the Get user data API.


  • Only use the Field API names in the input. You can retrieve the field API names from the Fields Metadata API by accessing the api_name value for each field.
  • Updating a deactivated user is not allowed.
  • The primary user of the organization cannot be deactivated directly. To deactivate the primary user, you need to assign another user as the new primary user for the organization and then deactivate the old primary user.
  • To activate or deactivate a user, include the status key in the input with the value active or inactive respectively.
  • Changing the time zone of another user is not permitted. You can only change the time zone for your own user record. To obtain the valid values for the time_zone key, see the Fields Metadata API.

Sample request

Copiedcurl "https://www.zohoapis.com/bigin/v2/users" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf" \
-d "@updateuser.json"

Copiedupdate_user1 = Map();
update_user1.put("id", "2034020000000472114");
update_user1.put("phone", "+1-202-555-0119");
update_user1.put("dob", "1990-08-28");
update_user1.put("country_locale", "en_US");
update_user1.put("time_format", "HH:mm");

update_user2 = Map();
update_user2.put("id", "2034020000000473008");
update_user2.put("phone", "+1-202-555-0105");
update_user2.put("dob", "1990-07-30");
update_user2.put("role", "2034020000000472039");
update_user2.put("country_locale", "en_US");
update_user2.put("time_format", "HH:mm");

users_list = List();
params = Map();
params.put("users", users_list);

response = invokeurl
	url: "https://www.zohoapis.com/bigin/v2/users"
	type: PUT
	parameters: params.toString()
info response;

Sample request body

Copied//Consider the following data is saved in a file 'updateuser.json'
    "users": [
            "id": "2034020000000472114",
            "phone": "+1-202-555-0119",
            "dob": "1990-08-28",
            "country_locale": "en_US",
            "time_format": "HH:mm"
            "id": "2034020000000473008",
            "phone": "+1-202-555-0105",
            "dob": "1990-07-30",
            "role": "2034020000000472039",
            "country_locale": "en_US",
            "time_format": "HH:mm"

Response object

The response object provides information regarding the success message or status.

Possible error codes

The response of this resource includes HTTP status and error codes.


    Cannot update the time_zone of another user
    Resolution: You cannot update the time zone of another user.


    Either trial has expired or user does not have sufficient privilege to perform this action
    Resolution: Contact your system administrator.


    Invalid data
    Resolution: The input you have specified is invalid


    Invalid data
    Resolution: Unclosed Script tags found in signature. Specify valid script tags


    Deleted user cannot be updated
    Resolution: You cannot update a deleted user.


    Re-invite is not allowed for a confirmed user
    Resolution: You cannot re-invite a confirmed user.


    Cannot update email of a confirmed Bigin User
    Resolution: You cannot update the email of a confirmed user.


    User with same email id exists
    Resolution: You are trying to specify a duplicate value for a unique field. Ensure that you specify unique and valid email IDs for all the users.


    User is already deactivated
    Resolution: The user you are trying to deactivate is already deactivated.


    Primary Contact cannot be deactivated
    Resolution: You cannot deactivate a primary contact.


    User is already active
    Resolution: The user you are trying to activate is already active.


    Share among Subordinates Feature is not available
    Resolution: The share among the subordinated feature is not available for your account. Contact your system administrator.


    Profile and Role cannot be Updated by the user
    Resolution: The current user does not have permission to update the profile and role of another user. Contact your system administrator.

Sample response

    "users": [
            "code": "SUCCESS",
            "details": {
                "id": "2034020000000472114"
            "message": "User updated",
            "status": "success"
            "code": "SUCCESS",
            "details": {
                "id": "2034020000000473008"
            "message": "User updated",
            "status": "success"